Sunday, 26 February 2012

Blogspiration #2

Blogspiration is a new weekly meme hosted by GrowingUp YA and Saz101. Where inspirational quotes/pictures/videos are posted to bring a little creativity or conversation into the blogging world.

This week's Blogspiration is a little different. Sarah and Kristin have given as a task; an epic question. While we're not obligated to follow their lead, I wanted to answer the question for my post. 

What book inspires you?

Turns out answering this question was slightly harder than I thought it was going to be. There are so many books that I've connected with over the years and the idea of sharing something so important as what *inspires* you in terms of books, needed a lot of thought. I finally managed to narrow it down to one book series that has touched me for years. Check it out.

My choice for Blogspiration this week is one that I discovered as a young teen: Alanna: The First Adventure - Tamora Pierce (Book #1 in the Song of the Lioness Quartet). The reason I picked this book, and why it inspires me, is because it sparked my obsession with books. 

Before Alanna (and Tamora Pierce) I was a casual reader. A couple of books a month, no big deal. Alanna made me hungry for more of the written world. I couldn't stand the thought of being without a book, to be lost within the pages of something so magical and gripping, something created from the mind of one person. It was really moving.

Alanna: The First Adventure is not a particularly difficult read, but it's the excitement and mystery that drove me wild. And it may have also made me obsessed with Knights (who doesn't love a good man in armour, sword fights and a little magic every now and then?)

I wanted to be the secret Knight. I wanted to have her adventures in far away countries and to be super powerful. I wanted so much more than we get from her story. It was this need for more adventures - not just Alanna's - that got me reading more as a teen. 

I can't thank Tamora Pierce enough for inspiring me to become a reader.



  1. OMG this was one of my favourite series when I was younger. I loved the Keladry books alot more, but I loved all of the Tortal books. They were all so exciting. They were my first examples of really strong female characters and it's a love that has only grown the more I read.

    1. I love all Tamora Pierce books, but Alanna and Tortal will always be my faves. Yes, you're so right; amazing female leads in these books.

      Thanks for stopping by.

  2. I had a book that did that to me too. I was just a casual reader a couple years ago, then this one book made me realize books are way better than reality. lol.


    1. Isn't it just fantastic when you find that one book that makes everything change? You can't help loving it forever.


  3. I like knights too :) :) I haven't heard of this book before but it looks so good :) Thanks so much for sharing :) ;)

    1. I'm glad I'm not the only knights fan. I think it's why I love Prince Arthur in BBC Merlin so much. That's one sexy knight!


  4. Fantastic post! I have this book on my TBR pile, I'll have to dig it out and give it a read! I must say, my post for this week is pretty similar; I also talked about the book that made me a reader and it was also high fantasy :) Thanks for sharing!

    1. I thought what better way to express what book inspires me than the one that got me reading? I'll have to go check out your post now :)


  5. Oooh, I kind of feel bad it was hard to answer... kind of >:D

    Oooh, I LOVE your answer, Kim! And I don't think you're alone. I haven't read anything by Tamora Pierce, but I know a lot of people (my best friend, Lauren, who commented above, for instance?), and who she's really touched. I LOVED your answer, and I loved hearing how this really stoked the spark of passion in your reading! eee! *hugs*

    1. It was only hard because there were so many books that could have been used to answer the question. I kept thinking of Melina Marchetta books and Vampire Academy, but Tamora Pierce won.


    2. Ooooh, you do know that Kristin is a EPICALLY obsessive Melina Marchetta, right? If you had have posted MM, you may have had to beat her off with a stick. hehe *hides* (please don't kill me when you read this Kristin, you know I love you ♥)

      Seriously, this was such a WONDERFUL answer. I'm glad you chose it :D

    3. Lol, good thing there was no stick beating necessary then :P


  6. I'm adding Tamora to my authors list and reading her stuff! Thanks for sharing.

    1. I hope you like her, she's definitely one of my favourite authors.


  7. Aaaah!! I love that books can make us want to live these extraordinary lives!! There's NOTHING better than a book that can transport you to faraway places :)

    1. I know! They're the ones you want to keep, and read over and over again. But form of reading escape.

